
PO Box 22037

Lexington, KY 40522


We follow where the Ministries lead us with this special group.  Each year different needs arise and we try to help out in ways that we can.  We participate in a number of ongoing programs that support the Deaf in Northwest Haiti as well as outreach to others at the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission.  If you want to become involved we would love to include you.  


Every mission trip is alive with the fun and activities of Bible School.  Our group makes these events special for children by providing coloring crafts, skits with costumes, an uplifting message, games, laughter and building positive friendships.  The Word of God is passed on not only in the lessons, but in the love and hugs we give each child.


Deaf adults at the Mission create handmade textiles and crafts that are used to earn money to make the individual artisans self-sufficient and to support the program. Working on foot powered treadle sewing machines, they create signature Haitian Deaf Made Skirts.  These are lightweight for the Haitian weather and ever present on mission workers and missionaries.  Guys may be able to grab a pair of shorts if they’re lucky.  We help provide supplies and market the skirts and crafts in the States.


We have worked hand in hand with Diane Cornelius to enable deaf couples in Haiti to be married.  We help provide the contacts, support and sign language interpretation for deaf couples to be married in style in borrowed gowns and forever wedding bands.  Culturally, Haitians feel they cannot get married without the dress and the ring, but are far too poor to make this happen.  If unmarried they cannot be part of a church if they are living together cannot be addressed by Madame and are outcast in other ways.  This is further complicated because deaf couples are often live in isolated circumstances.   This formality opens the church back up to them, as well as pride and improved self-esteem.


Our Mission Trip groups work to love and uplift the children at the special needs Miriam Center at the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission, which includes deaf children.  One of our groups fundraised to add a tile floor to the center to enable the children who cannot walk have a cleaner, ‘knee friendly’ place to spend their days.  Some Haiti Deaf-Made Goods are specifically earmarked to support the Miriam Center.  This is a selfless example of a special group helping another special group within the Mission, as we help facilitate sales and fundraising in the states.

By supporting the Miriam Center you also support the jobs of some of the deaf adults that work there.  These deaf adults help take care of the children along with teaching the children, verbal and non-verbal, sign language.