
PO Box 22037

Lexington, KY 40522




Celison is 17 years old.  He lives in St. Louis-du-Nord with his uncle as both parents are deceased.  He enjoys playing soccer and art.

Danaika is 12 years old.  She was born hearing but lost her hearing at age 9 due to illness.  This is her first year attending deaf school.

Evans is 11 years old and lives in the mountains with his mom and brother Dieulin.  He has a 2 hour walk to school each day.

Founa is 12 years old.

She lives in a small hut in Bonneau with her parents and 8 siblings.  She has a 1 hour walk to school each day.

Fresnel is 15 years old.  He lives in St. Louis-du-Nord and enjoys playing soccer and art.

Kitha is 15 years old.  She lives in St. Louis-du-Nord with her dad (her mom is deceased).  She enjoys coloring and reading books.

Marckenson is 14 years old.  He lives next to the ocean in St. Louis-du-Nord and enjoys swimming and art.

Rolf is 8 years old.  He lives in St. Louis-du-Nord.  He had some health problems and had heart surgery when he was younger but is doing fine now.  He has been attending deaf school for 1 year.

Rose Mirlene is 9 years old.  She lives in Jean Rebel which is a 6 hour drive from school so she lives with the deaf teacher's family during the school year.

Sony is 12 years old.  He lives in Fert Sous.  He lives in the mountains and has a 1 hour walk to school each day.  His mom sells mangos at the market.  He enjoys playing soccer.

Wasley is 18 years old and lives in Port-de-Paix.

He enjoys reading books, art, and math.

Fedner is 44 years old and teaches the younger children in the morning.  He is the leader of the deaf community in St.Louis-du-Nord and tries to support all the deaf people in northwest Haiti. Fedner is also the President of the Association for the Deaf in Northwest Haiti.  He enjoys watching soccer and sewing.  He has been married to his wife Immacula for 15 years and they have two children, Fedna and Wendy.

Dieulin is 9 years old and lives in the mountains with his mom and brother Evans.  He has a 2 hour walk to school each day.

Clercius is 38 years old and teaches the older children in the afternoon.  He enjoys watching soccer and painting.  He is also the Vice-President of the Association for the Deaf in Northwest Haiti.

Immacula is 41 years old and teachers the older children in the afternoon.  She enjoys cooking and sewing.  She has been married to Fedner for 15 years and they have two children, Fedna and Wendy.



What you can give them is

an education.

An education is the only door these children have to an optimistic future.

Deaf children especially have fewer opportunities in Haiti, including opportunities to learn.  The Deaf School at the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission offers classes for deaf students which includes teaching them American Sign Language – as well as Haitian and French signs - to help them communicate and learn.

It also gives them a safe place where they can communicate with other deaf children and adults, and have a meal everyday.

Sponsorship Options
Student/Teacher Name

Become A Sponsor

You can sponsor a child monthly by clicking on the menu below

or also by sending in a monthly check.  If you have any further

questions about sponsorship, please contact us at

When you visit or learn about Haiti, what will tug at your heart is the children.

Always smiling, kind and energetic, these hopeful faces

look to us for affection and learning.

What we can give to them during our Mission Trips is

Bible School, field trips, fun activities, and love.
